Create a Zap in Zapier for Hubspot to Tracpoint App.
While mapping the fields you can map the fields like first_name, last_name, email, phone, etc. But since the organization_id and location_id are the required fields you need to add them manually to allow the connection.
To get your location_id’s and organization_id, you will need to get those from your TracPoint account.
Login to your TracPoint dashboard on top right click on the gear icon.
Select Profile option.
You will get the organization_id in User profile section.
Copy that organization_id and add it to your zap while mapping the fields.
For locations_id, hover on Dashboard tab and go to the locations tab in your TracPoint dashboard or click on Manage in Locations section.
Select the location you would like to get the location_id from and click on edit button.
You will get the location_id in Location Info section.
Copy that location id and paste it to locations field in zapier while mapping to the Zap.
How to Sync Data from Google Sheets to TracPoint App?
Create or set up a Google account.
Prepare a Google Sheet with the required columns.
Select a pre-defined Zap from our website or dashboard or create a custom Zap on Zapier.
Select the first App as Google Sheets and the second App as TracPoint.
Map the fields between Google Sheets and TracPoint on Zapier.